About the Artist

Hello, it's Jesse, the main artist! I started this site so I could bring my art to the Internet and see who likes it, and hopefully make enough to live off of.

I'm disabled and my disability got worse during the pandemic, after I caught COVID while working my regular job. From then on, standing for longer than two hours is even more excruciating, and my asthma has gotten worse, among other symptoms that make holding a regular job, unbearable.

If you support me, it will go directly to medical bills, accessibility aids, and other things like my music 💖✨

Current projects I have brewing:

"Legacy" a story about a Black superhero with a Dynamic Disability, who is just trying to survive in a future capitalist hellscape. To look at character designs before the original release, consider donating $1/month to my Patreon or Ko-fi.

"Magical Descent" a farming sim and rpg with dating elements!